

H > About > History

Let me introduce the history of the National Association of Mayors in Korea

The Association was first established in 23rd July 1996 as a formation of spontaneous association of the elected mayors, and its basic role at that time was to promote friendship among the members. In 26th April 2000, by the amendment of the Local Autonomy Law, N.A.M.K. has become a legal and nation-wide scale association based on the article 165 of the law, and been able to pursue public purposes.

In 11th September 2002, the Commission of Regional Representatives supplements 3 additional members of mayors who represent counties of rural regions, so as to enhance the representativeness of those rural and remote areas.

In 1st July 2015, the main office of the association relocated to Yeoyi-Do Island in Seoul, the current site. In 3rd July 2017, the Commission of Regional Representatives(of the year 4 of the sixth term) is constituted, and elected the Commission members as a President, 3 Vice-Presidents, etc.